Judge Philpot's White Savior Complex
1. INTRODUCTION “White Savior Complex” refers to a common trope, prevalent throughout much of US popular culture, which validates white superiority by depicting individuals who heroically rescue “less developed” cultures through dissemination of “western” values and wisdom: https://matadornetwork.com/change/4-ways-americans-taught-white-savior-complex-can/ Judge Philpot writes about his mystical spiritual experiences in India in his autobiographical novel “Judge Z” and makes clear the importance of his proselytizing mission in the acknowledgements section of the book. It is clear that even in the 21st century fundamentalists can pervert great religions and sow discord in increasingly interconnected societies. The judiciary should be free of religious zeal that goes beyond passion for justice in interpreting the law. In the autobiography, Judge Z writes that he previously visited India only once on a “judicial exchange” rather than on proselytizing missionary t...