Attitude towards successful men: Part 3
It is difficult
to convincingly label Judge Philpot as either misogynist or anti-male through
his public actions because there are more subtle layers of bias underlying his
decisions in individual cases. His dichotomous attitude towards women has
already been explored from the Madonna/Whore complex perspective in this blog:
Judge Philpot’s
conscious and subconscious attitudes are not doubt shaped by his own conflicted
upbringing, which he freely discusses in nearly every public speech.
His latest book
(Judge Z) provides glaring and inescapable truths about his attitude to other
men, particularly in the context of their ethnicity and his perception of their
material success or achievement. Almost every male character who is not firmly
on the judge’s team ideologically speaking, is portrayed negatively and only
one achieves any kind of redemption. The males who are not White, Anglo-Saxon
Protestants are especially demonized. Disparaging characterization is
particularly blatant when the author describes a male who is more materially successful than he
is. These characters are depicted as moral defectives who have acquired their
success through lying, cheating or blind luck.
In addition to a host of personal flaws, each of these male characters
is shown to have a broken relationship with his children. Judge Philpot appears
to be channeling the angst of his own childhood, and however valid that may be
as therapy or an art form, the fact that he is so oblivious of the problems as
to document them in print, raises serious doubts about his objectiveness and
impartiality as a judge in family court.
Listed below
is a synopsis of the barely disguised male characters excoriated by Judge
9. Rabbi Levi Koffler
Koffler is the sole non-Christian “cultural expert” called to testify in the
book’s climactic show trial. The Rabbi is an ex-stockbroker, professor of
theology at NYU and author of numerous books. He had achieved fame as “The
Romance Rabbi” because of his many articles in the popular press about love and
marriage. In the book, he testifies on the meaning of love or “Hesed” in the
Old Testament. His moment on the pedestal is short lived however, as he is
dramatically exposed as a former divorcee who regrets ending his marriage. He
had never been forgiven by his children for divorcing his first wife.
10. Eddie
Philpot pads out the closing pages of the memoir by describing his visit to a neighborhood
café run by a couple named Natasha and Eddie. In the story, the author has
given informal legal advice to Natasha who was considering divorcing her
husband because of his addictions. Although their business was successful, “Natasha’s
husband, Eddie, was an addict. First alcohol, then pain pills, then when the
pain pills dried up his friendly neighborhood pusher gave him a free trial on
black tar heroin.”
11. Henry ‘Hank’ Clay Alexander
Philpot describes attending the funeral of his maternal cousin, Henry ‘Hank’
Clay Alexander a very wealthy businessman who recently succumbed to cancer.
“ He came from
nothing, never graduated high school and proved that education was
overrated—that you can be successful with hard work and a little bit of luck.
He believed that paying all your taxes was for fools.
“dearly departed” had lots of mourners. He had been married three times, all
ending in divorce. He had no children by his wives, but had a couple by other
ladies. One of those sons, who would have been mocked as a “bastard” in the bad
old days but was now a trust-fund millionaire, stood and said a few kind words
about his dad.
taught us to work hard,” he said—causing a few raised eyebrows because nobody
could remember this twenty-something kid ever working a day in his life.
Z could read between the lines. The kid didn’t like Hank. Not really. He didn’t
like the way his mom had been treated and the way his father was never there.
funeral ended with a short sermon by the pastor of a Scott County
mini-megachurch. Hank was never seen there on Sundays, but he had donated
two-million dollars to build a gym “for the kids,” just in case St. Peter
asked, “What have you done for me lately?” at the Pearly Gates.
12. other Family Characters
is not space here for a proper analysis of Judge Philpot’s complex relationship
with his father as depicted through his writings and only two male relatives are
mentioned here:
“Cousin Mike” and “Uncle Bill” both attorneys.
"Uncle Bill missed a statute of
limitations, then lied about it to his client for two years."
Mike “forgot” that a fat escrow account did not belong to him."
the book, the judge’s father has taken on Greek ethnicity and resides above a
Greek restaurant with his family in Winchester, Kentucky.
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